

completeFT™ is a full Thickness Placental Membrane

Multi-Layer graft processed using a proprietary processing technology to ensure all naturally occurring components of birth tissue remain intact through processing.

Contains the Amnion, Chorion as well as the important Intermediate Layer (IL)/Spongy layer of the placenta.

Amber color comes from advanced preservation of placental structures and layers.

completeFT™ is a placental tissue allograft that may be used as a protective barrier in wound care applications. The natural properties of amniotic tissue provide mechanical protection and growth factors to support the management of acute and chronic wounds.

This is homologous use because serving as a natural covering and offering protection from the surrounding environment are the inherent functions of amniotic membrane.

Dehydrated, packaged, and terminally sterilized with a 2-year shelf life. Stored at ambient temperature.

HCPCS: Q4271

Ordering Information

SKU Description Size Units UPC
EFT22 Complete FT™ Placental Allograft Membrane 2x2cm 4 382567000311
EFT24 Complete FT™ Placental Allograft Membrane 2x4cm 8 382567000328
EFT44 Complete FT™ Placental Allograft Membrane 4x4cm 16 382567000335
EFT36 Complete FT™ Placental Allograft Membrane 3x6cm 18 382567000342
EFT48 Complete FT™ Placental Allograft Membrane 4x8cm 32 382567000359

Accredited DME vendor

Since 2018 ExtremityCare™ has been as accredited DME vendor the Center for Medicare and Medicare Service. We strive for best in class compliance in every aspect of our business operations.

Questions and Complaints

In the event your complaint is not resolved to your satisfaction you can contact our accrediting organization “The Compliance Team” at or by calling 1-888-291-5353.

Empowering healthcare providers to deliver best-in-class wound care services and therapies.


ActivateRx Care serves as a marketer specializing in exclusive regenerative biomaterial products derived from the human amniotic membrane and other birth tissues. Only qualified healthcare professionals should perform the implantation of biomaterial products, including amniotic grafts. This website is not intended to replace professional medical advice.